Network security is a continuous process that involves solving a large number of tasks in real time. It is necessary to organize an effective system of control and monitoring of user actions, ensure control of all key channels of information exchange, competently use firewall systems and apply a number of other protective means. To manage all these tasks, it is necessary to develop a comprehensive management system for technical means of information security, which would allow monitoring the entire software and hardware component of the corporate network and monitoring the actions of all its administrators. Only such an integrated approach allows you to get the maximum security of the enterprise's information infrastructure and have a complete picture of all events and incidents of information security occurring on the network. This, in turn, will allow you to respond to them quickly and proactively.

Information security technical management systems help to preserve the confidentiality of important data, eliminate leakage, unauthorized access, as well as modification and loss of information within the corporate network itself. They are configured in accordance with the information security policy of the enterprise, which implies the regulation of access rights to information and control of the actions of users of the corporate network. At the same time, information security management systems should have mechanisms that allow comparing the current state of the network with the required one in order to quickly respond to internal and external threats, and should not lead to a decrease in network performance.
Our company provides services for the design and implementation of information security systems for enterprises. We take a comprehensive approach to this work, build a coherent and manageable network security system based on the most effective means and methods of protection.